BUFFALO: Dude, now you're just being silly. You've lost yer color.
BIRD: Desperate measures. Like you said.
BUFFALO: But but but but but...
BIRD: I've even shaved off me pubes, like.
BIRD: In solidarity. Saw Britney last nite on Fookwits Global TV. Felt VERY sorry for her.
BUFFALO: Yer all heart, dude. And just as I woz beginning to feel like a tit for doing something VERY dumb.
BIRD: Some geezer at Fox wanted to interview me. About the pubes, like.
BUFFALO: And yer Freddy?
BIRD: Still in full working order as far as I can tell.
BUFFALO: No complaints from da missus then?
BIRD: Nope. She likes it smooth.
BUFFALO: Maybe I should...
BIRD: Maybe you should.
BUFFALO: But if I did, I'd feel TOTALLY nekkid.
BIRD: Wear it loud and proud, Buffo.
BUFFALO: OK, I will. Just one thing.
BIRD: Wassat?
BUFFALO: Gotta fess up. It's so fookin' cold without da kopf that I've got to wear a woolly hat, like.
BIRD: Wot? You in a woolly hat? Gotta be seen to be relieved.
BUFFALO: Don't even like her frickin' music, dude.
BIRD: Hey, neither do I.
BUFFALO: Me head doc said it's got nuffink to do with Britney. Apparent Lee, I've got identity issues.
BIRD: Then wot have I got?
BUFFALO: A herd mentality.
BIRD: Wassat?
BUFFALO: In one ear, out da udder.
BIRD: Rimshot! Film at eleven?
BUFFALO: Arf, arf! Sparky! Seen my woolly hat anywhere?
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