I'm a slight slut
I wink my way
through life
When times are hard
and the weather's bad
I lift my skirt
and feel so good
it almost hurts
When the bow anchor
rides on through
I'm a slight slut
I go to bed
in my socks
Well... why not?
Wow, that's heavy man ... pass the doobie, eh?
Please be advised that I am suing both you idiots for dereliction of duty and absentee landlordism.
P.S. I know where you live.
I have your GPS coordinates, am possession of advanced technology, and my motto is Nemo me inpune lacessit.
You've been warned.
Correction: "am IN possession of advanced technology" although my spell-checker is in the shop for repairs.
There is a persistent rumor regarding that other idiot, that he is planning to call you, if he can figure out when you're home and not out trolling for jail bait. If I were you, which, thank God, I am not, I would make an effort to contact him, as I hear he is contemplating the long swim to China, and plans to mention you in dispatches.
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