BUFFALO: Wot a logo! Wot a logo! All the girls I've ever known have loved woodpeckers. Or is it woodies and peckers? It's been so long now. Anyhoo...
BIRD: A pecker made of pine even, hence the expression, pining for you!
BUFFALO: The Plywood Pecker. . . good name for a bar.
BIRD: Serving fresh woodies daily.
BUFFALO: Made my vanilla sundae, innit.
BIRD: And my raspberry cheesecake.
BUFFALO: And don't forget the mugs, thousands of them, floating into space.
BIRD: To educate and alleviate the asses.
BUFFALO: Quite right, Lee. Expressing our infernal gratitude to the Foxy Finn for immortalizing us in pen, ink and drool.
BIRD: And so she has. A blog isn't a blog without a good logo.
BUFFALO: A blogo, like.
BIRD: Egg-zack-lee! Aren't you the clever Buff?
BUFFALO: Well, I don't have a brain the size of a pea, innit?
BIRD: You filthy beast! Jeremiah, fetch my Hawkin gun! Take that, you cowardly bovine!
BUFFALO: Ouch! That hurt!
BIRD: Film at eleven.
BUFFALO: Arf, arf!
1 comment:
A blog worthy of your new logo-peckers and all! Kudos! xxoononnie
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